viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

Sentences with regular verbs in third person singular

I work everyday from 7 am to 4 pm./ She works everyday from 7 am to 4 pm.

When I come home everyday, my dog is waiting for me./ When she comes home everyday, her dog is waiting for her.

I go to my french course every saturday./ She goes to her french course every saturday.

Every night I watch a movie with my family./ Every night she watches a movie with her family.

You cry every time you see that movie./ He cries every time he sees that movie.

Your wife is in the kitchen./ Their wives are in the kitchen. (Plural noun)

I lay down in my bed when I do not feel good./ He lays down in his bed when he does not feel good.

Your banjo is broken./ Their banjos are broken. (Plural noun)

1 comentario:

  1. Good sentences but you should not add the plural nouns as they complicate things at this stage.
